
nulla dies sine XVL lineae

29.07.2005., petak

Izvanredni otkaz u Vjesniku (Why I will be fired from Vjesnik)

Update: Novi list

Pripremljen otkaz Željku Peratoviću

ZAGREB – Novinar Željko Peratović najvjerojatnije će dobiti izvanredni otkaz u »Vjesniku«, o čemu ga je obavjestilo Zaposleničko vijeće toga lista. Peratoviću se na teret stavlja da je prošlog tjedna objavio intervju s Pavlom Gažijem u tjedniku »Feral Tribune«, a prema internim pravilnicima novinar »Vjesnika« može objavljivati u nekom ...

Direktor Vjesnika Franjo Maletić, član je i Upravnog odbora Hrvatske matice iseljenika (drugi s desna)

Danas popodne nazvali su me iz Zaposleničkog vijeća Vjesnika i obavijestili me da mi je Uprava (Franjo Maletić, direktor i Goran Popović, pomoćnik direktora) pripremila izvanredni otkaz ugovora o radu jer sam bez pismenog dopuštenja redakcije objavio pod svojim imenom intervju s Pavlom Gažijem u prošlom Feralu.

Ovo mi je još prošlog petka kad sam išao prijavljivati prijetnje smrću policiji, najavila pomoćnica glavne urednice Marijana Matković.

Naravno, za razliku od Novog lista, Vjesnik nije objavio ni retka o prijetnjama smrću koje sam prijavio u petak.

Iako sam na bolovanju zbog smrti majki otići ću sutra u Vjesnik objasniti Zaposleničkom vijeću okolnosti pod kojim sam objavio Gažijev intervju u Feralu, a ne Vjesniku. O pojedinostima neću za sada pisati na ovome blogu iz razumljivih razloga.

No, sve mi se čini da se čekao pravi povod da me se ostavi bez egzistencije jer se bliži kraju rok (10. kolovoza) na koji Mladen Bajić u ime Ive Sanadera mora odgovoriti na moj Prijedlog za mirnim rješenjem spoora, vezano uz kršenje ljudskih prava koja mi je prouzročila POA.

Kao što sam naveo u prethodnom postu, to maltretiranje POA-e odrazilo se i na ponašanje moje radakcije prema meni i nakon što je Jarnjakov odbor ustanovio da postoji osnovana sumnja kako su mi prekršena Ustavom zajamčena ljudska prava iz članka 83.

Možda netko misli da će me izvanrednim otkazom u Vjesniku skršiti (nakon što mi se prijeti smrću i policija me još ne obavještava što je u tom smislu poduzela i nakon što mi je u depresivnoj komi umrla majka), ali ja neću odustati od tužbe države, ne isplati mi Vlada 1.200.000 kuna na ime gore navedenih prekršenih ljudskih i novinarskih prava.

Pomoćnica glavne urednice Vjesnika Marijana Matković rekla mi je prošlog petka da su Uprava i redakcija bile upoznata sa sadržajem mog Prijedloga za mirnim rješenjem spora vezano za maltretiranje POA-e. Kao dostavio im to netko (nije htjela reći iz Vlade ili iz Državnog odvjetništva) da se očituju.

Marijana Matković u vrijeme dok je u Vjesniku kao novinarka pratila sektor socijalne skrbi

E pa lijepo. Kako čujem Uprava i uredništvo su bili jako ljuti kad su to vidjeli, što dakle nema veze s intervjuom Pavla Gažija u Feralu.

U Prijedlogu sam za svjedoke naveo i Franju Maletića i dr. Gorana Popovića, a ne prihvati li Vlada nagodbu na suđenje će kao svjedoci biti pozvani i premijer Ivo Sanader, Predsjednik Stjepan Mesić, ministrica pravosuđa Vesna Škare Ožbolt i bivši ministar policije Marijan Mlinarić (svi u svojstvu dužnosnika koji su bili nazočni Turekovoj prezentaciji na kojoj sam označen pomagaćem stranih špijuna i domaćeg obavještajnog podzemlja)

Evo još nekih izvadaka iz
Prijedloga nagodbe koju sam poslao Glavnom državnom odvjetniku Mladenu Bajiću, a u kom sam za svjedoke naveo direktora Vjesnika Franju Maletića i njegova pomoćnika dr. Gorana Popovića:


When Zeljko Peratovic came back from his holiday at the beginning of September 2004., main editor of «Vjesnik», Andrea Latinovic, told him publicly in editorial office that his writing was getting rebuking, and that similar complaints was getting director of «Vjesnik», Franjo Maletic. She said that Tomislav Karamarko called her, at that time joint owner of security firm Soboli Ltd., and he announced law sue against «Vjesnik», because Peratovic wrote in one text in that newspaper about possibility that Karamarko became chief of all secret services. He also wrote that Karamarko was on holidays in his summerhouse on Mljet that summer. The main editor of «Vjesnik» said to Peratovic that Karamarko didn't have summerhouse on Mljet and that was untruth, the same thing was if she wrote that Peratovic was murder.

She also added that agains Peratovic protested Mate Basic from Australia. She warned that she decided to go for a lunch with Tomislav Karamarko, to try to prevent Karamarko from filing charges against «Vjesnik».

After few days, Andrea Latinovic informed Peratovic publicly in editorial office that she went for a lunch with Tomislav Karamarko and they talked for five hours about Peratovic and that Karamarko said a lot of things about Peratovi.

Tomislav Karamarko is professional policeman and intelligence agent (he was chief of Zagreb's police, superintendent of UNS (Office for National Security), and now he is chief of POA). Peratovic met him only once in 1998. in restaurant owned by Zvonimir Trusic, on Remetinec. Because of those facts, Peratovic categoricaly claims that Tomislav Karamarko was talking to Andrea Latinovic about his professional cognitions about the journalist, what he shouldn't do, regardless of accuracy of the informations, because that was prohibited to him by Law of protection of informations and Law of security services. That had disagreeably consequences for Peratovic.


Editorial office of «Vjesnik» more rarely published texts of Zeljko Peratovic, even under censorship were those texts which was ordered by editorship. The explanation why his texts were not published he didn't get, except once editor of internal politics, Marijana Matkovic for text about Damir Jukica, one of onetime highly positioned functionaries of POA, who in interview for weekly magazine «Nacional» (attachement 3.1) confirmed presenting of Presentation of chief of POA, Franjo Turek, to the top of the state about hostile activity of journalists, said that text wasn't published because it was based on compilation of somebody else's texts and it was full of incorrectnesses.

That explanation she filled up with remarks that in his texts could never be seen the source.

That was repeted to Peratovic on meeting in January 2005. with main editor Andrea Latinovic, her deputy, Marijana Matkovic and assistant of main editor, Zoran Vodopija.

Zoran Vodopija


Considering that identical evaluation about writing of this journalist is in Information of former chief of POA since 16.10.2004. (attachement 3), Peratovic claims that editorship of «Vjesnik» was illegaly informed with opinion of POA about his way of working. That statement is supported by evaluation that till the end of 2004. Peratovic extremely professionaly cooperated with Zoran Vodopija, Marijana Mikasinovic and Marijana Matkovic, and that they have never put against him the way of his writing and his themes, on the contrary, they gave him their support...


Peratovic Zeljko, because of pressures and heckling comments on political meetings, on street, in trams, that he is betrayer of Gotovina and British spy, experienced psychical shocks, discomfort, harassing, threats, humiliation. On his work he is exposed to censorship, isolation from editorial office and management of «Vjesnik», that is mobbing. Because all that he got sick and had to go on sick leave and ask for medical help. (attachament 16)...


The consequences for Peratovic Zeljko are disastrous on economic, professional and moral base, but also medical.

That kind of acting of POA, by the proposer, is stressful condition and inhibits it in original analysis and critical approaches of considered problems which are hapening in society.

He has the feeling of constant threat and editorial aversion from confiding journalist investigation work , what is for individual journalist, for profession, and also for public, fatal. That has a great influence on his professional behaviour. In question are the freedom and professional work of journalist. No matter the Committee for internal politics and national safety brought mentioned conclusion, journalist rights of Zeljko Peratovic are still violated, because in newspapers he is working for, «Vjesnik», and which are formaly owned by the Government of Croatia, is not allowed writing about themes he wrote before: intelligence services, organized crime and war crimes. Almost any writing is prohibited...

Iz Predstavke optuzenih novinara

Nekadašnja Startova povremena dopisnica iz Meksika i Argentine Gordana Tintor, danas je aktiva u Radničkom vijeću Vjesnika

- 08:41 - Komentari (6) Isprintaj #

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45 lines © 2005, Zeljko Peratovic